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Kameleon EVF Support

Welcome to the support page for the Kameleon PRO EVF. On this page you will find EVF support including the current version of the firmware, current manual, and FAQ's.

Registration: If you are looking to register your Kameleon PRO EVF, please do so here. 

Firmware Update Version 1.06: 
Released March 2, 2023

-Edge Enhance and Zebras can now be used simultaneously in both full screen or scope mode
-Edge Enhance and Peaking can now be used simultaneously in both full screen or scope mode
-Fixed some bugs related to performance issues.


Please follow this 2 step firmware update carefully. Download v0.00 and extract the NIPlus.bin file to your USB drive. Install v0.00. Then download v1.06 and extract the NIPlus.bin file to your USB. Install v1.06. Failure to follow this process can result in a firmware error and you will be unable to use the EVF.

Firmware v0.00 Download
Firmware v1.06 Download 

Burn-In Warning: OLED displays can develop “burn in” over time if a static image is displayed too long. This means the screen will retain a ghosted image of what was being displayed. Burn in can only occur from display data produced by the camera and not the Kameleon’s scopes. To avoid this problem, we recommend you turn off the camera display data whenever possible or use the Kameleon’s scopes instead of the camera’s scopes.

If you do begin to notice burn-in, you can attempt to correct it by leaving the Kameleon powered on but not plugged into a camera. Doing this with the Kameleon’s blue screen displayed overnight or for a few hours can help to fix minor burn in. You can also try using screen burn fix or stuck pixel videos. There are some non-Zacuto created videos, like this one, that suggest some other ways to alleviate or eliminate burn-in.

Burn in is not covered by warranty. Email for a repair estimate.

Kameleon FAQs

Q: The image is too small/large. How do I change it?

A: The Kameleon defaults to showing an image at 75% of the full screen. You can set this from 70-100% by navigating to the Basics menu, selecting Magnification, and then selecting a Magnification value from 70-100%.

Q: Can the Kameleon be powered by the USB port?

A: No, this is not intended to be used for power and can cause harm to the viewfinder. Incorrect use is not covered under warranty.

Q: What type of video signals can I use with the Kameleon?

A: The Kameleon is compatible with HDMI signals up to 4k30 and SDI signals up to 1080p60. Please ensure your camera it outputting a compatible signal.

Q: My camera is plugged into the Kameleon but I don’t see an image. What do I do?

A: The Kameleon can accept an HDMI or SDI signal but will not automatically switch to show an active incoming signal. Navigate to the System menu and select Input to toggle either HDMI or SDI input type.

Q: How do I clean the diopters with the anti-fog coating?

A: Blot or gently wipe with microfiber. If exposed to moisture or moistened, use compressed air to remove the droplets and, ideally, allow a few minutes to air dry before wiping. If any liquid cleaners are used (deionized water is the best choice), air dry or use compressed air before using microfiber.

Q: What are the differences between the Gratical and Kameleon?

The Kameleon and Graticals have a few key software differences. The Graticals have 1D LUT import, export, and creation. The Kameleon has 3D LUTs. The Graticals have vectorscope, histogram, and waveform. The Kameleon has only histogram. The camera data position is also different - the Kameleon has data overlay while the Graticals have a 16x9 image with scopes and other data underneath. The peaking feature is also slightly different between the two models. Get more information on these differences and others here.

Q: Does it have a power button?

A: No, if the Kameleon is plugged in it will be active. If you would like a power button, we have custom power/video cables with built in power switches.
4 Pin Lemo Compatible Power & Video Cable with Power Switch
4 Pin Lemo Compatible Power and HDMI Video Cable with Power Switch

Q: How do I upload new firmware?
To update your Kameleon EVF with the latest firmware, first format your USB drive to FAT32 for compatibility (learn how below.)
Download the firmware update above and transfer it to a USB drive.
Insert your USB drive into the Kameleon's USB port, open the menu and navigate to System and select Upgrade(USB).

Attention MAC users: Some MAC users may experiencing difficulties when downloading the Firmware file. When you hit download, if it opens a text file with a bunch of characters; re-download the file by holding down the option key while clicking on the download. This should clear any problems.

Format to FAT32 - Please note this is not the default file system used for either Mac or PC and by formatting your thumb drive in this way it will erase all data that is currently on the thumb drive. You must also use a thumb drive and NOT a USB cable from your computer.

Windows 7 Mac OS X
  • Open My Computer
  • Right Click on the thumb drive
  • Left click on Format
  • Set File System to FAT
  • Check Quick Format
  • Left click Start
  • Left click Ok for the warning that your erasing all data
  • When done left click on Ok
  • Go to Applications
  • Go to Utilities
  • Open Disk Utility
  • Select the thumb drive
  • Choose Erase
  • Select MS-DOS File System
  • Click Erase

Q: What is the return and repair policy?

A: Returns must be pre-authorized by submitting a Return Merchandise Authorization form (RMA) within seven days of delivery. After submitting the form, a sales representative will contact you within 24 hours, regarding your return. The merchandise must be returned within seven days after you have been contacted. Read our full returns policy here.

Zacuto USA electronic devices come with a limited one-year hardware warranty. The limited hardware warranty covers defects in workmanship and materials of our products for up to one year. This warranty does not cover any damage to this product that results from improper installation, accidents, abuse, misuse, negligence, natural disaster, insufficient or excessive electrical supply (if applies), abnormal mechanical or environmental conditions, dust or any unauthorized disassembly, repair or modification.

Submit your Kameleon for return or repair here. Please contact if you have any questions.