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Spring Promo- Save $$ on Top Sellers!
Spring Promo- Save $$ on Top Sellers!

The Great Camera Shootout 2010

Zacuto Films presents, The Great Camera Shootout 2010: a three part web series where gunslinging HD DSLRs face-off against the legendary 35mm Film. This series showcases the top performing hybrid HD-DSLR cameras of 2010, including the Canon 5D MKII, 7D, 1D, 550D/T2i Rebel, Nikon D3s, and Panasonic GH1 and compares image quality against the gold standard.
The DSLR vs Film shootout kicks off with camera assessment tests looking at latitude. Watch results & discussions by ASC, indie, event & convergence DP’s at AFI & Skywalker Ranch. Round 2 focuses on sensitivity. And in the final episode, our showdown ends with a look at green screen, resolution, pseudo Raw, and color. Hear discussions by top ASC and filmmakers at the Midwest Independent Film Festival Screening in Chicago. And then, The Revolution Begins…

The Great Shootout 2010
Outstanding Achievement for Informational Programs - The Great Camera Shootout 2010: It's All About Latitude Producers Steve Weiss, Jens Bogehegn
A Zacuto Films Production
Executive Producer Jens Bogehegn Director of Photography, Robert Primes ASC CSC DP–Color Profiles, Philip Bloom Digerati, Gary Adcock Colorist, Ryan Emerson Director, Steve Weiss Special Appearances by: Shane Hurlbut ASC, Stephen Goldblatt ASC BSC, Stephen Lighthill ASC, Rick McCallum, Stu Maschwitz, David Wexler, Kevin Shahinian, David Robin, The Bui Brothers and more.