Director. Writer. Producer.

Bruce Logan was born in London and educated at Merchant Taylor’s Guild School. He has GCE certificates for English, Art, Physics, and Chemistry. He began making animated and dynamated films when he was only fourteen years old. He studied acting and directing, as well as photography, working with such well-known teachers as Stella Adler, Nina Foch, and George Tyne. He later studied writing at UCLA with Linda Seger, John Trilby, and David Freeman. And proving that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Bruce learned much of his craft from his father, Campbell Logan—a BBC classical drama director.
His love of imagery started when he was hired by Stanley Kubrick to work under Douglas Trumbull on 2001: A Space Odyssey. He came to California in 1968 and worked as a DP on over a dozen films, including: Tron, Star Trek, Airplane, Firefox, High Road to China, The Incredible Shrinking Woman, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden, Big Bad Mama, and Jackson County Jail. He did visual photography for most of these films as well.
He has shot commercial films for most of the major companies: Pepsi, GE, Visa, Chevrolet, Pontiac, DuPont, Contac, Sprint, Amtrak, Suzuki, Sunlight, and Armstrong. And—he has applied his talents to making music videos for such high profile performers as Prince, Madonna, Rod Stewart, Aerosmith, Glenn Frey, The Go-Gos, Karyn White, Tevin Campbell, Hank Williams, Jr., and Michael Cooper.
Combining his love of directing and creating visual effects, Bruce has developed a new Virtual Set Process with the Entertainment Design Workshop. He is keeping his hand in directing—having just completed several episodes of The Book of Pooh for Disney and the new PBS show It’s a Big, Big World. He’s currently involved in writing The Corn King, a “witchy sex comedy” that takes place in Los Angeles and Cornwall, England.