It's the season of giving and we want to give back to our filmmaking community and our Chicago community.
So we came up with our
24hour December Deals to give discounts on our top products of the year, collect donations for an amazing Chicago charity, and give away $1500 in gift certificates!
Check out our calendar and the details below to find out more.
Monday 24hr Dec Deals
25% off Marauder Rig - Dec 4th
The foldable DSLR Marauder rig is the perfect, compact rig for the filmmaker on the go. It offers great stability and can fold down in seconds to fit in a backpack. It's one of our most highly rated products ever!
Check it out here.
25% off GH5 Cage - Dec 11th
Our slim-fit cage for the Lumix GH5 is lightweight and compact with a ton of features. It includes an adjustable side grip with hotshoe, HDMI protector, curved top piece to accommodate the Panasonic audio module, side strap, and more. Add custom accessories like our Atomos Inferno mount or a Top Grip to build the rig that's right for you.
Check it out here.
20% off Gratical HD, X, or Eye - Dec 18th
The processing power and sharpness of the Zacuto Gratical electronic viewfinder far surpasses all other EVF units on the market. All units start with a 5.4 million pixel micro-OLED display, high quality precision optics with a built in diopter, and a powerful FPGA dual core processor.
Compare our three models side by side here.
Tuesday 24hr Dec Deals
The first three Tuesdays of the month we're shopping for a cause! 10% of all orders placed at store.zacuto.com will go to
Ronald McDonald House at the Children’s Hospital in Chicago.
This fantastic facility provides a "home away from home" for families with children getting extended treatment. They provide a place to stay, warm meals, play areas for the kids, laundry services, shuttle service to the hospital, and much more.
We'll update you on how much you raised and what we donated in a blog in January! The final donation may be in food, toys, and/or cheque.
Wednesday 24hr Dec Deals
At noon CST on the first three Wednesdays of the month we'll be posting a photo on our social accounts. Comment with your caption idea to enter to win a $500 Zacuto gift certificate! Winners will be picked and notified at noon CST on Thursday by the Zacuto staff.
Connect with our social accounts:
Facebook @Zacuto
Instagram @Zacuto
Twitter @Zacuto
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